she’s locked-down, playing ophelia.
her housemate, in on the game -

clutch plastic          
flowers, hide
razor, black
still. quick
take a photo.

another body. another hundred
years of mad girls
sometimes i sleep
arms crossed palms cupped
holding myself in place.
we learnt to pick the locks
and came to dinner uninvited

unscrubbed, palms
together in grace. see us now
i collar my wild dog flesh
train my hair to sit
dip my tongue in sugar glaze, serve
on a newspaper platter.
unimportant speech
unimportant history.

there’s no need to get upset.
Exploring the relationship between photography and poetry,  Anatomia Problema comes from a place of experimentation and boundary crossing. The images and words form a dark surreality which reflects aspects of the female and queer experiences. The poetic dialogue of the two forms opens a space for viewers to discover new meanings, giving a fresh slant to Freud's notion of femininity as a riddle.